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A day in Kavala!

Hello everyone! I am a few days behind on my blog so I am using tonight to catch up on all that I did over this past weekend! Alright so all these pictures are from Friday. My studies abroad group took a trip to Kavala, Greece for a quick overnight trip and it was so fun! Kavala is a super small town and as we got there early afternoon, it was pouring rain with thunder and lightening. We had planned to travel the town and visit a greek womens cooperative but because of the rain, our plans were cancelled. We checked into our hotel and waited out the rain for a few hours at a cute resturaunt next to our hotel where I had yet another greek salad (I will miss these very much when I go home). After a few hours, the rain stopped and my group and I decided to explore the area around our hotel. We took some group pictures next to the graffiti we found in the park and saw a game center open down the street that we needed to check out! There we all rode the bumper cars and had a blast! As you can see in pictures, I was going so fast I nearly fell out of my car several times! We made the best of what we had and rescheduled our plans for the following day as we ended the night with a quick ice cream run and all hanging out in my room playing games and talking.

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