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At last after a 9 hour long bus ride I was finally in the capital and largest city in Greece...Athens! To be honest at first I was a little overwhelemed and in shock that I was actually in Athens. The amount of history within the city, tourists everywhere, amazing art all over the place, this was really the place you see in pictures and in movies when people talk about Greece and I was actually there! We had one full day to tour the city so we spent the day visiting the famous Acropolis museum as well as hiked up the Acropolis to see the most ancient and famous work of art, the Parthenon. I learned about the temple that was dedicated to the goddess Athena and it said to be the most important surviving building of Greece. From the very top of the Acropolis you could see the whole city of Athens and it was absolutely beautiful. There are many things I will never be able to forget from this trip, but standing at the very top of the Acropolis next to the Parthenon and looking out at Athens will be a moment I remember for the rest of my life.

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