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Sailing soothes the soul

Hello everyone! The pictures above were all taken a few nights ago when our entire group got to go on a sailing trip to watch the sun set. The pictures really don't show how incredible it really was, so take my word for was one of the most amazing nights of my life! We all got to take turns driving the boat and spent the rest of the time relaxing and watching the sun go down. I can't remember the last time I felt so happy and relaxed. This made me ten times more excited for the actual sailing class I will be taking when I start school on Tuesday!

Random things I've learned so far being in Greece:

1. Greece drivers are CRAZY. Not only do they park wherever they please... & I'm talkin' literally parked on the wrong side of the road or even just in the middle of the street turning two-lane roads into one-lane roads. However, in America when you use a crosswalk and the little green man lights up signaling for you to walk, normally this means you are safe to walk and pedestrians have the right of way. This is NOT how it works in Greece. To an extent there are times when big groups will just push their way out in the middle of the road, forcing drivers to slow down but there is so much constant honking and crazies on the road it is out of control!

2. The greek language is not easy to learn and hand gestures are really the best way to survive here unless you happen to find someone who speaks both english and greek (which is rare).

3. Personal space does not exsist. I've noticed that when groups of people are together they are constantly touching eachother just casually but still kind of weird. I am positive that no one in greece has ever heard of having a "personal bubble" because they truly do not exsist!

4. There are amazing Greek bakeries on every corner filled with pastries and gelato that never cost more than 2 or 3 euro, so you should always have a satisfied sweet tooth... something I am quite fond of.

Continuing to have the most amazing time ever and I have only been here for four days!

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